Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dow reports emissions event nearly a month after it happens

But before you go off halfcocked and a writer a letter to Dennis Bonnen, our state representativ and environmental watchdog, consider the circumstances:

-- on Aug. 16, lightning struck the analyzer equipment

-- the analyzer was restored on the same day, but the communications couldn't be fixed

-- emissions data had to be retrieved manually

-- the 20 hours worth of emissions (348 lbs of propylene) was not discovered until today (Sept. 19) during a "biweekly review."

Force majeur?

Or maybe they need a new Maytag Repairman to fix communications failures.

Geek Squad?

Or maybe the biweekly reviews aren't necessarily done biweekly (8-23 to 9-19?)

Or maybe they should be changed to weekly.


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