Wednesday, April 12, 2006

County clerk hangs on to job in runoff

Voters in Southern Brazoria County flexed their muscles (again) in the runoff races yesterday. County Clerk Joyce Hudman won her runoff race and Lori Rickert won the new County Court at Law 4 judgeship.

Here's the rundown of all the Republican primay runoff races:

County Clerk
Vickie Durflinger: 3,135 48.9%
Joyce Hudman: 3,274 51.1%

Court at Law 4
Mary Peter Cudd: 2,457 39.1%
Lori Rickert: 3,825 60.9%

Just. of Peace, Pct. 3, Pl. 2
Philip Cessac: 692 49.0%
Gordon Starkenburg: 720 51.0%

Just. of Peace, Pct. 4, Pl. 2
Sherry Kersh: 1,363 61.6%
Steve Ricks: 848 38.4%

Cons. and Recl. Dist. 3, Pos. 1
Nelson Blackwell: 462 51.0%
David Kocurek: 443 49.0%

Cons. and Recl. Dist. 3, Pos. 3
Ricky Kubeczka: 423 46.2%
Jody Schibi: 493 53.8%

We'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone who participated. Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain. That, of course, is a ridiculous crock of shit, but you hear people say that a lot. We recommend ignoring these people.

1 comment:

jdallen said...

Yeah, well, thanks. But you wouldn't BELIEVE why I voted the way I did.

And my selections won.
