Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Freeport's eminence front

Down in Freeport, the vote yesterday over the future of that forlorn town's economic development corporation reminded us of that famous quote from the Vietnam War, when somebody said the only way to save a village from the Communist menace was to destroy the village.

Well, in Freeport, the voters decided NOT to destroy Freeport's economic development operation, which controls about $450,000 -- by only a 21-vote margin.

The so-called EDC was the prime mover in the successful taking by eminent domain of some waterfront property owned by a wholesale seafood company in order to make room for a fancy yacht marina.

The eminent domain saga, nevertheless, has left a bad taste in the collective mouths of Freeportians. Just about any way you cut it, the idea of taking someone's property away from them by force just isn't right, especially when the taking is for a private development.

[the facts]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "village" will be gutted, through the unconditional surrender of its inhabitants.

Someone forgot to tell them this was a war!