Monday, December 03, 2007

Another day in the life of the Ron Paul campaign for the presidency of the USA

Over in Georgia, Rudy Guiliani showed up for a rally that attracted a rather roisterous crowd of Ron Paul supporters, who were found lacking in the manners department.

Unfortunately, no one was challenged to a duel, so there was no national TV coverage of which we're aware.

"You're being very inconsiderate," an elderly woman, aghast at the lack of Southern manners, told three young female Paul acolytes.

"You're not helping your candidate with this," a middle-aged man told a 20-something man toting a blue-and-white Paul campaign sign.

"This is a Republican rally," a testy older man snapped, apparently forgetting that Paul, a physician and Libertarian by philosophy, is an elected Republican and running in the GOP primary for president.

His supporters simply answered, "RON PAUL! RON PAUL! RON PAUL!"[link]

***Meanwhile, back at the 14th Congressional District Ranch, a Republican lady in Anahuac tells Alan Bernstein of the Houston daily that she won't be voting any more for Congressman Paul cause he's not behaving like a Republican re the current conflict in Iraq. [link] She'll have two other Republican candidates to consider in the GOP primary next year. We saw no photo of the Republican lady in Anahuac but somehow remain convinced she has a beehive hair-do.

***The Congressman, meanwhile, tried to explain to Wolf Blitzer the ridiculous nature of Sen. McCain's allusion the other night to Hitler and the Nazis and how if the USA doesn't stand tall and intervene in all sorts of places another paper hanger like Hitler might take over the world.

"Well, first off, Iraq is not Nazi Germany,'' Paul said today on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. "And besides, I thought it was Hitler that caused World War II, not the American people, who opposed going in. So it didn't make any sense. And then he was awfully confused about isolationism versus non-intervention. There is a big difference.

"Isolationism isn't what I advocate,'' Paul told Blitzer. "I advocate non-intervention, not getting involved in the internal affairs of other nations, and not pretending a country like Iraq is equivalent to Nazi Germany. Iraq had no army, no navy, had no weapons of mass destruction, had nothing to do with 9/11, so the comparison makes no sense. [link]

***The Grumpy Gynecologist (a sobriquet the we coined but use in a fond, good-natured way) expects to raise more than 12 MILLION samoleans this quarter, The AP reported.

Kent Redfield, a professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield, said in a telephone interview that Paul's strong fundraising numbers demonstrate how grass-roots efforts via the Internet can help lesser known candidates compete on a more equal footing to higher profile contenders.
"It's a model for other candidates on how to get on the radar and meet the basic threshold of moving beyond being a niche or vanity candidate," he said. "But he'll have to show in New Hampshire and in the caucuses that he can build on that."
Paul said he expects his poll numbers to move up. He has devoted a significant amount of resources on ad buys in the early states of New Hampshire and Iowa.
"People are just starting to think about how they are going to vote in these primaries," Paul said. "The people are really annoyed with conventional politics and we are spending this money. We are spending it in Iowa. So I think those polls are going to continue to shift. Our numbers are going up."

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