Thursday, December 28, 2006

Tidbits & factoids surrounding the demise of President Jerry Ford

Before Nixon resigned, Al Haig came to then-VP Ford to lay out 6 possible scenarios for Tricky Dick's exit. One of them called for Nixon to pardon himself before he quit. It's in Woodward's book and today's Washington Post.
On C-Span last night, there was a press briefing regarding Ford's funeral services. One of the reporters wanted to know if the only media parking available at the California venue would be at Indian Wells. If there was a state funeral in Lake Jackson, that'd be like making the media park in Clute. Yes!
Residents of Grand Rapids, Mich., where Ford will be buried, are known as "Grand Rapidians," reported MSNBC reporter Janet Shamlian.
Early on the morning after Ford died, a news anchor on MSNBC was reading some copy (wire copy, we guess) about the early beginnings of Ford's romance with soon-be-wife Betty, who was described as a "gay divorcee." That wire copy was really, really old we're pretty sure.
Who came up with the wisecrack about Jerry Ford playing too much football without a helmet back in the day? Why, it was LBJ.
Google comes back with 729 references to "football without a helmet."

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