Friday, October 27, 2006

Bonnen asks peeps to vote for dead candidate

State Rep. Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, has pulled the ultimate October surprise -- just in time for Halloween!

Bonnen is asking voters in northern Brazoria County to vote for a political candidate who is no longer living.

"I hope she wins," he told the Clute paper, referring to deceased state Rep. Glenda Dawson of Pearland.

Bonnen has had signs erected in support of Dawson, leaving the only living candidate in the race, Alvin physician Anthony DiNovo, wondering whether he should "go negative" or take the high road and assume the prematurely balding Bonnen has either lost his mind or is simply following orders from Karl Rove.

“How do you run against someone who’s dead?” the sawbones asked.


Anonymous said...

report the whole story. don't edit it like tv stations to senationalize it. c'mon, you're better than that

Banjo Jones said...

don't be a crabapple. it's just a joke!

Anonymous said...

you rip bonnen so often who would know it's a joke?

Banjo Jones said...

anyone who knows enough not to take everything on this blog too seriously. but i'll lay off him if you can convince me he's not just a tool for the Chemical Council.