Thursday, January 19, 2006

Osama Bin Laden says he will attack US again

"Just when and where he did not say," Bob Schieffer just reported on CBS.

Bastard Bin Laden.

At least he could say when and where. Damn.


Anonymous said...

I notice the Bin Laden tape was released just a day after it hit the news that we had annihilated four of his top people, including his numero uno bombmaker, at a meeting in Pakistan where they were planning attacks on our troops in Afghanistan.

The tape took over as the lead story ala war news.

They are very good at manipulating the media.

Banjo Jones said...

Here's my objective view:
kill Bin Laden and his followers.
train and arm the Iraqi armed forces.
get the hell out and let the sunnis and shias fight it out.