Sunday, October 14, 2007

Judy Woodruff asks Ron Paul why an old geezer such as himself (he's 72) appeals to the young people of America

Here's Our Favorite Son's response:

"Young ideas, a fantastic idea about individual freedom and allowing people to do what they want and take care of their lives, their lives belong to them, and get the government off their backs, and offer them low taxes, and make sure I never mess around with the Internet. Don't tax the Internet, and don't regulate the Internet.

You know, freedom is a very popular idea, and young people love it, and they're open to ideas. And they like principled answers to our problems.

And older people seem to be stereotyped. You know, they get set in their ways, and they're not as open to the ideas of freedom, yet, to me, freedom is a relatively new idea. It was an experiment, you know, with our country, but we have forgotten about it, and I'm reminding them about this great experiment of freedom, and they love it. And I am just so delighted when I see the young people coming."


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