Sunday, September 02, 2007


Seems I've fallen prey to a spammer.

Seems I've unwittingly sent "invitations" to join a "social networking" site to anyone and everyone in my email address book.

Jim Thompson, a blogger in Pearland, sent me THIS to 'splain it all.

I told him I got an invite from a well-known Houston blogger, so I figured it was legit and OK. I won't name the blogger, cause I don't want to piss him off and have him castigate me in his well-read and sometimes witty "blog."

Since I never had joined a social networking site like Facebook or MySpace, I figured I'd give this one a shot, since the well-known Houston blogger had invited me and I wanted to be sociable and not a grump, like I usually am.

Anyway, since unwittingly sending out invitations to everyone in my email address book I've gotten "auto response" emails from Jake Tapper of ABC News and a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News named Dana Hull -- not that I correspond with them regularly, but because I corresponded with them once, thereby sticking them in my email list.

So, anyway, if you're wondering why you may have received an invitation from me, Banjo Jones, to join the social networking site known as "Quechup," this is why. I apologize for the annoyance. I think maybe I need to stay off the Internets for a while.


R. said...

Go ahead. Blame me.

I find all the autoresponses fascinating.

Anonymous said...

So, I shouldn't open the "invite" from Jay Lee? It just came in this AM.


Banjo Jones said...

well, JD, i don't think it hurts to "open" the invitations; the problem occurs when you join the damn the damn thing and then unwittingly send invitations to any and all people you've ever received an email from.

i don't know who this fellow is you mentioned. in fact, you might discover the social networking deal known as quechup opens up a whole new world to you.

Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking I was special...

Banjo Jones said...

i understand, Corey. i felt special when Mr. Crap invited me. Finally, I'd be among the Brotherhood of Crap, but soon i found out the truth.