Friday, September 28, 2007

Polluter of the Week (Golden Triangle Division): The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

36) COMPANY: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; DOCKET NUMBER: 2007-0023-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102561925; LOCATION: Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas; TYPE OF FACILITY: petrochemical manufacturing plant; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §122.143(4) and §122.146(2), FOP Number 1593, GTC, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to submit the annual compliance certification on time; 30 TAC §§113.260, 116.115(c), and 122.143(4), Air Permit Numbers 1040, SC 3, 9481, SC 5A, and 22110, SC 4A, FOP Number 1593, GTC and SC 12A, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to operate a flare with a net heating value of 300 British Thermal Units per standard cubic foot or greater; 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), Air Permit Number 56473, SC 3, FOP Number 1593, GTC and SC 12A, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to sample the main cooling tower daily; 30 TAC §§113.260, 116.115(c), and 122.143(4), 40 CFR §63.167(a)(1) and §63.502(a), Air Permit Numbers 9481, SC 7E, 22110, SC 5E, and 56473, SC 11E, FOP Number 1593, GTC, SC 1D and 12A, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to seal open-ended lines containing hazardous air pollutants; 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), Air Permit Number 20040/PSD-TX-801, SC 7, FOP Number 1593, GTC and SC 12A, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to maintain a permitted limit during a compliance test; 30 TAC §113.260 and §122.143(4), FOP Number 1593, GTC and SC 1D, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to conduct quarterly sampling at a cooling tower; and 30 TAC §113.260 and §122.143(4), FOP Number 1593, GTC and SC 1D, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to report a flare outage; PENALTY: $102,564; Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) offset amount of $41,026 applied to Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission ("SETRPC") - West Port Arthur Home Energy Efficiency Program; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Trina Grieco , (210) 490-3096; REGIONAL OFFICE: 3870 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, Texas 77703-1892, (409) 898-3838.


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