Saturday, June 09, 2007

Banjo picker disrupting stuffy Boston

Who'd want to live in Boston? Buncha stuff shirts. Don't know how to have a hoedown.

"I was already late for work last Monday morning when that smiling fellow started that hootenanny on [Boston Common]," stockbroker Sid Daley said. "It's one thing when infectious banjo music compels you to grab the nearest washboard or empty jug and join along on a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon, but on a Monday morning, when I have meetings? There's a time and a place for letting this kind of deal go down, is all I'm saying."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Buddha, Banjo!

Mindless manager of Credit Suisse complains of 1000 manhours lost while mindlessly idling his way to Jamba Juice.

This stuff will triple the productivity of his people and himself if he could go cold turkey off Jamba, Starbucks, McDonalds and related mindset and listen to the music.

Fire the nut immediately, his mindset is losing the company millions.