Monday, March 27, 2006

Top 10 other inaccuracies in The DaVinci Code

(as submitted by David Letterman viewers)
10. Jesus did not have any disciples named Sneezy, Happy or Doc
Tom H., Cedar Rapids, IA

9. No descendent of Jesus has ever drummed for Judas Priest
Nicholas B., Fullerton, CA

8. The Chalice could not be Super-Sized for an additional 39 cents
Dale B., Sacramento, CA

7. Jesus never claimed to be the Lord of the Dance
Umberto S., Baltimore, MD

6. DaVinci's secret code: Dial 10-10-987 for long distance calls
Paul B., Albany, OH

5. Judas didn't die from eating Pop Rocks and drinking Coke
Kevin C., New York, NY

4. The mysterious albino was actually Michael Jackson
Scott S., Sedfro Woolley, WA

3. Mary Magdelene did not invent the phrase, "That's hot"
Will S., Chicago, IL

2. At the last supper, Jesus never said, "Judas, you're fired!"
Tim M., Lamoni, IA

1. Birkenstocks sandals?
Mike N., Arcola, IL


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