Thursday, October 13, 2005

The thin blue line in West U.

Placing a quota on traffic tickets is illegal, but the mayor of West University still is PO'd that traffic fine revenues are lagging projections. “I’m disturbed by the trend,” says Hizzoner.

Motorists best steer clear of WUP, at least til those fine revenues reach acceptable levels.

But if you cut through Bellaire to avoid the WUP speed traps, be sure to extinquish all smoking materials if you're too young to vote. As Slampo can attest, the Bellaire Po-lice will snatch you bald-headed if you're an underage smoker.

So just avoid West U. and Bellaire altogether when you go into the city for kulture 'n such as that.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've often thought many of the the poet Dylan's finest writings were about West U. and Bellaire. Such lines as, "To be caught without a ticket and be discovered beneath a truck" and "He just smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette" seem especially prophetic in light of these latest developments in the two tony suburbs to my immediate east.

H. Brute
Sharpstown, TX