Tuesday, October 04, 2005

George Carlin in H-Town

(Editor's note: George Carlin performed in Houston on Saturday. Mike, a regular patron of The Brazosport News, sends us this email report, edited by him to reflect our continuing commitment to family values.)

Carlin did kind of a born-again beatnik poem at the
beginning like if Ginsberg had a sense of humor. He's
kind of an angry old guy in a fun way. All new
material, a lot of which bounced off the notion that at
this very minute someone is about to commit suicide.
He told the audience to shut up, only more colorfully.
He wasn't listening to any rodeo (more colorful
language). He said humans are a (colorful
language)species, then pretty much proved it. He said
despite art, science, etc. we're just animals in ball
caps that have guns. He wanted to know why (colorful
language)dumbasses who keep getting (colorful
language)keep voting for the same (colorful language).
He's more political these days. Less druggie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"He's more political these days. Less druggie." Yeah, like Rush, Carlin found that being political pays better. Dude sold out years ago.