Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ron Paul 2 Shane Sklar: Bring It

The Grumpy Gynecologist, US Rep. Ron Paul, R-Surfside, is not fazed in the least by upstart Demo whippersnapper Shane Sklar's criticism of his nay vote on further Katrina relief aid.

Paul attacks FEMA and the top-down federale solution to rebuilding the Louisiana-Mississippi Gulf Coast.

This should appeal to his anti-gummit base while putting Sklar in the position of defending the bureacracy, FEMA and that they entail.

Writes Paul:

Why does Congress assume that the best approach is simply to write a huge check to FEMA, the very government agency that failed so spectacularly? This does not make sense. We have all seen the numerous articles detailing the seemingly inexcusable mistakes FEMA made – before and after the hurricane. Yet in typical fashion, Congress seems to think that the best way to fix the mess is to throw money at the very government agency that failed. We should not be rewarding failure.

Sklar, it seems, might be better served probing Paul's peacenik status, since 14th District voters, by and large, like the idea of killing terrorists, based on the number of yellow "Support Our Troops" magnetic car decals we see everyday.

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