Monday, September 19, 2005

Banjo's Mini Poll: Who should get the naming rights to the moon?

There was a good turnout on our "who failed in New Orleans" during Hurricane Katrina poll. Here's the results:
the feds: 12%
the state: 7%
local and parish govts.: 31%
individuals who didn't evacuate: 8%
All The Above, to varying degrees: 42%

Total votes cast: 119

Recently, the nation's eyes have turned to the moon. President Bush has been asked how the country can afford to go back to the moon while rebuilding the Gulf Coast after Katrina and trying to free Iraq from terrorists. (Never mind the question of why we want to go back to the moon.)

But I had a great idea on how to fund the new moon mission. Sell the naming rights to the moon. Can't you see a big Nike swoosh up there during a full moon? Or McDonald's golden arches? Man, that could bring a pretty penny. We were there first, so we have dibs on naming rights, right? So who should the USA sell the naming rights to?

1 comment:

Matt Bramanti said...

I had a Romanian roommate in college. He said there was an old joke in Romania that said the Russians will beat the Americans to the moon and paint it red.

Then the Americans will get there and write "Enjoy Coca-Cola" on it.