Friday, June 10, 2005

Hearst S.F. labor woes loom

Citizen Hearst: rosebud...rosebud ...
A strike or lockout at Hearst's San Francisco Chronicle appear possible. Should either occur, will the paper by the bay look east to Houston for scab reporters/editors? Ooh, a moral dilemma may be brewing at 801 Texas.


Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and the strikers will burn down all the Hearst papers in America! :^D

Anonymous said...

Hey ttyler, nasty stutter there. Anyway, once that happens you can go back to living with your head in the sand . . . or somewhere else. Why don't you and Sean Hannity go pump each other.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, can't hear you, your rear end is muffling your angst!

Anonymous said...

And the world notes, as well, Anonymous, what a brave and stand -up fellow you are! :^D