Hearts & Minds in Columbia-Brazoria ISD
Even tiny tykes get the treatment in way wacky politics, says Mom
A reader who noticed our story on the sheriff's race politickin' in a D.A.R.E. classroom was flabbergasted the other day when her 3-year-old son came home totin' campaign literature related to the big Columbia-Brazoria school board race.
This could, we suppose, be excused as a real world civics lesson, but we're talking about a THREE YEAR OLD.
The real aim, of course, is to lobby the boy's parents, just like the D.A.R.E. officer who was touting sheriff's candidate Charlie Wagne was hoping the kids would go home and tell Ma & Pa who to vote for.
There are bigger issues in the world to keep you awake at night, fershur. Iraq comes to mind. Israel-Palestine. Education. HEY! Education!! If my kid's attending a D.A.R.E. class, I want the time spent constructively brainwashing him (or her) to stay off dope and alcohol, not being brainwashed about Brazoria County politics. Same with the mama whose child came home with school board literature. Teach that kid his ABCs and how to stay in the lines when coloring. He really doesn't care about the West Columbia-Brazoria power struggle, and if his mama does, she can figure it out on her own.
Here's part of what the 3-year-old's mom wrote. She asked that we keep her name confidential for fear of repercussions, and we said, OK:
"I read your April 17 blog regarding the D.A.R.E. officer 'campaigning' for Wagner at an elementary school.
It gets worse.
With the Brazoria/West Columbia new-school-site-thing dividing residents and prompting mud-slinging between officials and school board members from both cities, CBISD school board hopefuls are targeting younger and younger children in an effort win much needed support from Brazoria voters.
Twice this month, upon picking up my 3 year old child from a Brazoria preschool, I have found among his daily papers campaign literature for a CBISD school board candidate. It was the exact same piece of paper, as if I didn't get the message the first time. I am actually anticipating several more before the May election day.
Don't get me wrong, I really like Brazoria. I like the friendly people and the schools are great. I also think the board's decision to purchase contaminated, muddy wetlands in West Columbia is questionable to say the least. You have to admit that Brazoria Mayor Ken Corley has a huge set of (rhymes with walls and starts with a B) for making over-the-top statements, infuriating people with little regard for his next mayoral campaign, and allowing a statement he made about Brazoria leaving CBISD to join Sweeny or Brazosport ISD to be printed. I cant help but admire his candor. I also admire him for not wearing cowboy hats. But I digress.....
Lets get back to the point.
My three year old son is very bright, and has even expressed to me his desire to have a democratic president this year. (He says that there are enough Georges, including the one on the dollar bill, that George Bush has ugly hair, and he likes the name Kerry)
My question is, where do you draw the line? When is it ok to sell yourself in the 'cubby' of a 3 year old at preschool? Am I being unreasonable, or are times a-changin' ? "
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