Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Hurricane Report

One of B'port's finer restaurants was forced to cease operations for 6 hours today after Hurricane Claudette viciously knocked out electrical power to wide swaths of the greater metro area.
Whataburger was just one of several establishments shut down by the storm. As of this writing, well after Whataburger re-opened its doors to a hungry public, Jack-In-The-Box remained shuttered, its drive-thru menu displays ripped from their standards.
There are probably many more businesses adversely affected by the hurricane, but we did not attempt to visit any of them, so we cannot "accurately" report any further on the matter (sorry!).
The TV highlight of the day was the reporter doing a live shot from Freeport. He said the rain was coming down "unrelentlessly."
He is with Channel 11 (KHOU) and probably shares a Thesaurus with Giff Neilsen.
Brazoria County Judge did a live phoner with Channel 2 (KPRC) in the afternoon and told viewers how the county had lost a "swamp buggy" in the Intracoastal Waterway while trying to evacuate people from Quintana.
Let those fruitcakes in Quintana ride out the storm all by their lonesomes if they don't have sense enough to get off that barren sandbar before it's too late.
There's no sense in losing a taxpayer-owned swamp buggy just because of their stubborness and misplaced machismo.
We'll need that swamp buggy later for ... well ... we're not sure why we'll need that swamp buggy, or even why we have one to begin with, now that we think about it. But we're damn certain the county had one in the motor pool for a hell of lot better reason than to go rescuing Quintanians in the middle of a freakin' hurricane, and a rinky-dink Catergory 1 Hurricane at that!!
Either call a cab or take your medicine, Quintana.
For the record, we received 4 inches of rain Tuesday and Wednesday here at the office in Lake Jackson. Overall, we have to say it coulda been worse, and still might be before the summer's over.

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