Monday, June 02, 2003

His Hand on the Pulse

Yet another stirring editorial from local scribe Kelly "Hee Haw" Hawes, who reports that everyone's glad the Dow operator's strike is over. It's this kind of journalism, where The Local Daily's editorial page is deftly used to not only straddle the fence but state the obvious, that has spawned the ongoing campaign to name the almost-complete FM 2004 overpass after Hawes, who leaves it to "others" to say who came out on top in the labor dispute. We're pretty sure Dow won, but since the local paper is leaving the call up to others, well, maybe we're wrong, since when the roll call up yonder is called for Journalism's greats, they'll not only be calling the names of Breslin and Royko, but also the name Mr. Hawes.

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